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Golden Domes: Men and Ladies
America's Peace Keeping Force and
most effective Counter Terrorism operation.

The largest group of Transcendental Meditators
located near the center of the US population
Fairfield Iowa - Brahmasthan.US

Note: This is just TM fan web site, not an official site

Click here to go to the official TM web site TM.org


Zoom with us!

Honoring the Construction Crew

Maharishi University
A standard college curriculum plus Transcendental Meditation

Continuing Education Courses - MIU.edu/ce

25 Charts Showing Progress on Improving the World

Attendance Totals

Gonna Fly Now - in the Dome (Rocky Theme)




Awards and Grants available
to encourage maximum

40th Anniversary of the 1983 Taste of Utopia Assembly in 2023

Welcome to Fairfield video


  Hundreds of advanced TM meditators generate twice daily global telecasts of coherence, neutralizing stress, and
building support of natural law from the largest TM-Sidhis Group Program facility in the USA.
"The sleeping giant of American Collective Consciousness is waking up."

Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge

Maharishi University of Management
1 Golden Dome Way
Fairfield, Iowa  52557
  Fly To the Golden Domes using Google Aerial Photos

Golden Dome Rainbow - by
Werner Elmker

Google maps
- Golden Dome Way

photo by Werner Elmker

Photo by Ron Wilson

Photos by Werner Elmker

Now with Solar Panels

Scientific Research on Transcendental Meditation

Over 600 scientific studies done at over 100 independent research institutions in over 160 peer reviewed journals validate the benefits of TM.  Many of these studies are reprinted in 7 volumes of the Collected Papers available from Maharishi University Press.


Top 100 published studies

Physiological research has shown that Transcendental Meditation gives rise to a unique state of deep rest characterized by marked reductions in metabolic activity [3-13], increased orderliness and integration of brain functioning [14-27], increased cerebral blood flow [6, 28, 29], and features directly opposite to the physiological and biochemical effects of stress, including skin resistance changes [3, 8, 30, 31] and reductions in plasma cortisol [32-35], arterial blood lactate [3, 6, 7, 11, 30], and muscle tone [15, 36]. Several other neuroendocrine changes have also been observed during Transcendental Meditation [31, 37-44]. Taken together, these studies clearly distinguish the physiology of Transcendental Meditation from sleep or simple relaxation [13, 30] Students at Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa, who regularly practiced Transcendental Meditation, increased significantly in intelligence over a 2-year period, compared to control subjects from another Iowa university. This finding corroborates the results of two other studies showing increased IQ in Maharishi International University students.

Reference I: Transcendental Meditation and improved performance on intelligence-related measures: A longitudinal study, Personality and Individual Differences 12: 1105-1116, 1991. Reference II: Longitudinal effects of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program on cognitive ability and cognitive style, Perceptual and Motor Skills 62: 731­738, 1986.


Peer Reviewed Scientific Journals

This study found that during the Transcendental Meditation program some of the early sensory components of the brain's response to somatosensory stimulation (0–100 msec) are more widely distributed across the cortex. This study, by Dr. Nicolai Nicolaevich Lyubimov, Director of the Moscow Brain Research Institute's Laboratory of Neurocybernetics, indicates that during the Transcendental Meditation program there is an increase in the areas of the cortex taking part in perception of specific information and an increase in the functional relationship between the two hemispheres.


  1. Proceedings of the International Symposium Physiological and Biochemical Basis of Brain Activity, St. Petersburg, Russia, (June 22–24, 1992).
  2. 2nd Russian-Swedish Symposium New Research in Neurobiology, Moscow, Russia, (May 19–21, 1992).

After one year of practice of the Transcendental Meditation program, elementary school students showed significant gains on the lowa Tests of Basic Skills, a nationally standardized test (ref. 1). A second study showed significant gains in high school students (grades 9–12) on the lowa Tests of Educational Development (ref. 2). A third study (ref. 3) found that the length of time students had been practicing the Transcendental Meditation program was significantly correlated with academic achievement, independent of student IQ scores.


  1. Education 107 (1986): 49–54.
  2. Education 109 (1989): 302–304.
  3. Modern Science and Vedic Science 1 (1987): 433–468.

National Institutes of Health
The NIH has awarded more than $24 million to study the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation technique for improving brain functioning and cardiovascular health during the past 20 years.  More

American Medical Association
The AMA’s journal Archives of Internal Medicine published a recent study showing the TM technique is highly effective in preventing the risk factors for high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.  More

American College of Cardiology
During its annual convention, the ACC hosted a symposium on the research conducted at more than a dozen independent universities and medical schools on the effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique for reducing heart disease, hypertension, stroke, cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and heart failure.   More

American Psychological Association
During its annual conference last year, the APA featured research on the TM technique that documents the positive, long-term benefits of the practice for self-actualization and self-development. More

First published study in 1971
Top 100 published studies
David Lynch Foundation TM research

Construction of the Golden Dome 1980

Super Radiance Monday
Make a special effort to attend the first Monday of each month

Give to the Invincible Dome Campaign

Permanent Peace

The Golden Dome helps to give rise to Stage III Yogic Flyers within a few generations,
as part of an ideal community for human development.

Jim Carrey, honorary Doctorate in Fine Arts, graduation speech.


 Paul McCartney - David Lynch Foundation - Ringo Starr - Bettye Lavette - Donovan

Jerry Seinfeld - Clint Eastwood - Howard Stern

Jerry Seinfeld and Howard Stern


Jennifer Lopez: http://bit.ly/1TE6mjX
Hugh Jackman: 
Jennifer Aniston: 
Jim Carrey: 
Heather Graham: 
Arnold Schwarzenegger: http://bit.ly/1XwHugR
Liv Tyler: 
Howard Stern: 
Cameron Diaz: 
Martin Scorsese: 
Katy Perry: http://bit.ly/25lKAu4
Jerry Seinfeld: 
Russell Brand: 
Ellen Degeneres: 

Clint Eastwood: http://bit.ly/247wwhT
Judy Greer: 
The Beatles: Paul and Ringo:
Maya Stojan: 
Dr. Oz: 

2000 Yogic Flyers Now! - campaign to increase attendance and avert further terrorism

Occupy the Dome
Do Group Program regularly
We are the √1%

Scientific research statistics have validated that the square root of one percent
of a population practicing the TM-Sidhis Program in a group
is sufficient to influence the population in a more enlightened direction
through the Unified Field of Collective Consciousness - the Maharishi Effect

Defense Intelligence

Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS)

Veterans standing for teaching TM to the military to build resilience to stress in soldiers
and to create a field of brain wave coherence and intelligence throughout our nation.

Informing Presidential Candidates as they Campaign in Iowa

Public Awareness during Presidential Campaigns

Senator Bernie Sanders (Democrat, Vermont) campaigning in Iowa
sees the M.U.M. graduation brochure featuring Senator Tom Harkin

Suzanne Malveaux - a CNN Reporter hears about the Golden Domes in Fairfield


Donald Trump says "That's great!" about TM for Vets

Trump signed the page from the David Lynch Foundation OperationWarriorWellness.org

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqIWmsnGT00  detailed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1xWqKdGe3c brief

"Meditation is one of the most important things I do each day"


Radiating the Light of Peace and Wisdom near the Population Center of the United States

Taste of Utopia Assembly in 17 December 1983 to 6 January 1984

Yogic Fliers

Inspirational music - over 100 songs about human flying

Emily Levin sings Golden Dome

March 19, 1975 - Maharishi spoke at Royal Albert Hall, London
March 19, 1988 - Golden Dome in Skelmersdale, Engand opened

Proposal for research: possible auspicious location
to spread coherence throughout the planet from the South Pole
where every direction is north

"In Xanadu did Kubla Khan  a stately pleasure-dome decree"
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Disclaimer: This web site is highly supportive of,
but not an official web site for Maharishi University of Management,
the Global Country for World Peace, or the following organizations.

Registered trade marks: Maharishi School of Vedic Science. All rights reserved (TM, Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi Yagya, Maharishi TM-Sidhi, Maharishi Science of Creative Intelligence, Maharishi Vedic Science, Maharishi Vedic Astrology, Maharishi Ayur-Veda School, Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health, TM-Sidhi, Instant Relief, Maharishi Ayur-Ved, Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment are registered or common law trademarks, licensed to Maharishi Veda Education Development Corporation

Health tips

Diving at the Maharishi University pool near the Golden Dome for diving within


Flip America Red
Flipping on the diving board and
flipping Congress Republican

Fairfield Recreation Center outdoor swimming pool

To help keep this non-profit web site up,
please order items from our Amazon store

Web site sponsor - Cosmic Internet Corporation

Kalash atop the Golden Dome sky light looks like a Golden Eagle coin, flying for a financially invincible America.